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Q: How big is the ac 130?
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Related questions

What bullets does the AC-130 have?

The AC-130 has three cannons, a 25mm, a 40mm, and a 105mm.

Who are the gunmen of a AC-130?

The gunners of an AC-130 are usual voices heard across the Call of Duty franchise.

What does ac in ac 130 stand for?

attack cargo plane

What kinda of ac 130 do they use in moder n warfare 2?

It's a Lockheed Ac-130 Spectre/Spooky Gunship. Model AC-130H I believe. or AC-130U.

What are the best killstreak rewards to get chopper gunner or AC-130?

Predator missile, harrier, chopper gunner or AC-130.

Who is the inventor of the AC-130?

a dinosaur

What does ac in AC-130 mean?

The A means attack or air to ground (A-10, A-6, etc) and the C means cargo (C-5, C-17). Since the AC-130 is a modified C-130, it carries both designators.

What is the difference between an AC-130 and a C-130?

The C-130 is a transport aircraft for carrying people or cargo. The AC -130 is a heavily modified C-130 with heavy weapons, different radar, armour and the ability to attack specific targets with accurate gunfire.

Who made the Lockheed AC-130?


Who design the AC-130?

Lockheed Martin

What war was the AC-130 in?

veitnam and iraq

What s the difference between an ac-130 and a cobra in call of duty mw3?

One's a plane and the other is a helicopter. Besides that, you can control where the AC-130 shoots.