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Q: How big is the anatonov an 225 wingspan?
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How big is the An-225?

275.6 feet in length, 290 ft and 2 inches wingspan, 59.3 feet in height, and is the largest plane in the world.

How big is the antonov an-225?

275.6 feet in length, 290 ft and 2 inches wingspan, 59.3 feet in height, and is the largest plane in the world.

How big to hawks wingspan get?

10 feet

How big is a turkeys wingspan?

Turkey vultures have a wingspan of 67 to 72 inches or approximately 6 feet.

How big are jets in feet?

Deoends on what type of jet you had in mind, and what measurement you're looking for - wingspan, length, etc. The jet aircraft holding the title of world's smallest is the Bede BD-5J, with a wingspan of 17 ft. and a length of 14 feet, 4 inches. The jet aircraft holding the title of world's largest is an Antonov An-225, with a wingspan of 290 feet and a length of 275 feet, 7 inches.

How big is a plane?

Airplanes come in many shapes and sizes. The smallest manned aircraft will carry just a single person. For comparison in the Guinness World Record the smallest aircraft is a Bede BD-5J Microjet which weighs 358lbs, is 12' long, and has a wingspan of 17'. On the other hand the AN-225 Mriya is the largest aircraft in the world, it was made to aid the Soviet space program, weighs 628,317lbs and can carry a maximum of 551,000lbs. The wingspan of the AN-225 is 290' and its length is 275'7".

How big is a turkey vultures wingspan?

Turkey vultures have a wingspan of 67 to 72 inches or approximately 6 feet.

How big is a 406 Cessna plane?

It is 39 feet long with a 49 foot wingspan.

Is Airbus is the biggest airplane?

No, the Antonov An-225 is longer. The Spruce-Goose had a marginally wider wingspan and was the same height. But the A380 is the largest passenger aircraft.

How big are the wings on the keel-billed toucan?

wingspan = 6 feet

How big is a chick's wingspan?

10 to 16 in across depending on breed

How big is the biggest bat?

The largest bat species is the giant golden-crowned flying fox, with a wingspan of up to 6 feet (1.8 meters) and a weight of around 2.6 pounds (1.2 kilograms).