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Q: How big of a tarp is needed to cover enough space of a 15' circle?
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Yes, the turning circle of a car directly affects the space needed to make a full turn or U-turn. A larger turning circle requires more space to perform the maneuver, while a smaller turning circle allows for tighter turns in limited spaces.

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Yes, horses should have ample space to graze, roam, and move freely in order to maintain their physical and mental well-being. Providing enough space allows them to exhibit natural behaviors and reduces the risk of stress-related issues.

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Why did she want space?

She may have felt as if she was giving you too much. That you didn't show her enough apprieciation. So she needed space just to nurture herself

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One piece will suffice.

What is the term for the amount of space insid a circle?

"Space" is usually understood to be a 3-dimensional "volume", and in that sense, there is no 'space' inside a circle. A circle has "area", equal to (pi) times the square of the circle's radius.

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there is not enough space

What is the difference between orbital and suborbital space flights?

An Orbital space flight simply means that you have accelerated a space craft fast enough so it stays in orbit (cicular path) around the Earth. A suborbital flight means you have reached the limit of space (anything over 100 km high) but not enough speed to completely circle the Earth.

What does the area of the circle measure?

the amount of space inside a circle