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20 feet by 25 feet is one possibility.

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Q: How big of an area is 500 square feet?
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How big 500 square meters?

500 square meters is a measurement of area, not size. It represents the total area covered by a two-dimensional shape with a length of 22.36 meters and a width of 22.36 meters, or any other combination of length and width that multiplies to 500. To put it into perspective, it is roughly equivalent to the size of a small urban lot, a large studio apartment, or about 1/10th of a standard American football field.

How big is 500 meters in square feet?

500 square meters = 5,382 square feet.

How big is a 500 m2 lot?

5,382 square feet.

How big of a square is 70 square feet?

A square with sides of 70 feet has an area of 4900 square feet.

How big is 20000 square feet?

It is exactly 20000 square feet in area.

How big of a square is 81 square feet?

If the area is 81 square feet what is the perimeter?

How big an area is 5 square feet?

As big as lachie's dick

How big is 80 feet 213 feet?

The total area of 80 feet by 213 feet is 17,040 square feet.

How big is 50' x 63' in square feet?

3,150 square feet. Multiply length by width - the result is the area in square feet.

How big is 10 x 9 square feet?

90 square feet. Multiply length by width - the result is the area in square feet.

How big is 500 sq meter?

An area of 500 square meters is equal in size to 0.12355 square acres. The measurement of 500 square meters is also equal to 0.000193051 square miles.

How big is 64 square feet?

It could represent the area of an 8 feet by 8 feet square or the area of a 4 feet by 16 feet rectangle amongst other possibilities.