George Boole developed a mathematical notation which is suited to the analysis or design of switching.
a) a switch may be only on or off
b) assume 1 equals on, and 0 equals off
Example: two switches in series,
if both are on will have a combined value of 1.
Boolean 1 + 1 = 1 (aka and + and = and)
if one switch were on and the other off, the combination is 0
Boolean 1 + 0 = 0 (aka and + not = not) nand is 'not and'.
if both switches were off, then the combined value is off.
Boolean 0 + 0 = 0 (aka not + not = not)
You may perform a similar analysis for a pair of switches in parallel.
c) the truth values given are arbitrary. The logic system will work equally well if 1's are replaced with 0's and vice versa but the truth tables will differ.
From such simple beginnings, a sufficient logic system may be built to solve problems that can be expressed as equations.
This is called 'machine language' in its simplest form.
You never need to simplify any type of algebra. It often helps people understand answers better and/or makes working with certain algebraic expressions easier in the future, but always remember that a simplified and unsimplified expression or algebra are both saying the same thing.
Algebra helps you solve real-world problems that you will face when you are on your own.
absolutely not.
The integrated algebra regent was given yesterday! On June, 14 2012! Hope it helps =)
The idea is to get a simpler expression. If you need to build the hardware to implement a specific boolean expression, you can actually save money if the expression is simpler - and thus, you need less components.
It is famous in computer science even today because it helps verify if something is true or false.
You never need to simplify any type of algebra. It often helps people understand answers better and/or makes working with certain algebraic expressions easier in the future, but always remember that a simplified and unsimplified expression or algebra are both saying the same thing.
A Karnaugh map is a graphical method used to simplify Boolean algebra expressions. It helps in minimizing the number of logic gates required for a given logic function by identifying patterns and grouping terms. Karnaugh maps are especially useful for functions with up to four variables.
Algebra helps you solve real-world problems that you will face when you are on your own.
well pre algebra is easier if that helps
Because algebra helps you learn lots of other cool stuff in math and also helps you with learning new skills. You can basically do hard math easier if you know algebra. I hope this awnsers your question.
absolutely not.
The integrated algebra regent was given yesterday! On June, 14 2012! Hope it helps =)
The idea is to get a simpler expression. If you need to build the hardware to implement a specific boolean expression, you can actually save money if the expression is simpler - and thus, you need less components.
It stands for first, outside, inside, last.
It can be argued that Algebra is not important because it helps abstract thinking, which can lead to changes in our daily lives that are negative, but that is shaky as it is, and Algebra is undebatable used by everyone subconsciously from the youngest years of childhood.
You can find free algebra worksheets that help students actually grasp the concept on the following I hope this helps answer your question.