it cant, 5 x 5 = 25 forever, just like 1+1 has always equalled 2 forever. It will never change, that is its formula, it cannot be changed or altered, it is very straightforward!
5x5 is 25 5x5 is 25 25x25 is 625
25x1 or 5x5
-5 x 5 = -25
25. 5x5=25
2x2=4 x2=8 x2=16 x2 = 32 and 5x5 = 25 so no, I guess not.
isosceles as in (3x3) + (4x4) = (5x5) 9 + 16 = 25
25 type it in google: 5 x 5
x=10 y=5 2x10=20 5x5=25 20 + 25 =45
16 (4x4) and 25 (5x5)