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Q: How can I interpret the data i have collected?
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What kind of math do scientist use to analyze data?

For the most part, they use math related to statistics. They use it to interpret their data, and to determine trends and significance of data points collected in an experiment

What kind of math do scientist use analyze data?

For the most part, they use math related to statistics. They use it to interpret their data, and to determine trends and significance of data points collected in an experiment

What is the purpose of using graphs?

to interpret, and analyse data. to be able to see it clearly, with graphs you can find out important facts about the data you collected and use what you know to improve or change something.

What are the data to be collected?

Any kind of data can be collected.

How do you work with interpret and prepare numerical data?

Understanding and interpret numerical data

The data collected does not have to be measurable.?

The data collected does not have to be measurable.

Are data that was collected for another purpose and was already collected?

Data that is collected may have been collected previously for some reason, or it might have been collected recently. Data is usually collected to show statistics or information about something specific.

What will you do with your data when it is collected?

The collected data is organized in a fashion so you can determine if the hypothesis is supported.

What do you do after you interpret the data?


What do you do after you interpret data?


What is continuous grouped data?

In continuous grouped data the data is collected continuously and in groups. Data collected is in class intervals the actual data values are not visible.

Calculations or comparisons made using the collected data?

Calculations or comparisons made using the collected data