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Q: How can a 14 year old kid make 1000 pounds in less than a year?
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How much is a 1000 pounds of American money?

It depends on what you have. 1000 lbs of pennies would be a lot less than 1000 lbs of $1000 bills.

What is 1 less than 1000?

1000 - 1 = 999

Is 1 liter greater than or less than 6 milliliters?

Obviously less. 1000 milliliters make 1 liter so 6 milliliters will be 6/1000 of a liter which is less than 1 liter.

What is 1000 less than 1416?

1000 less than 1416

Is 1000 pounds equal to one ton?

No. 1000 pound would be slightly less than half a metric ton. A ton is 2000 lbs (US measure).

What number is 10 less than 1000?

10 less than 1000 = 1000 minus 10 = 990

Will eating less than 1000 calories a day make you gain weight?

Probably not.

What would be an unhealthy rate to lose pounds?

The guide is 2 pounds a week. It is unhealthy to eat less than 1000 calories a week, so as long as you eat 1000 calories a day, take a vitamin supplement and make sure you drink enough water, it would be healthy to lose any amont of weight.

What is the mass of a butterfly?

The mass of a butterfly can vary depending on the species, but on average, most butterflies weigh between 0.1 to 0.5 grams.

Is pounds is greater than or less than ounces?

It is less, as 20 pounds is 320 ounces.

What can you add to a 50 pound barrel full of oil to make it less than 50 pounds?

You could add a hole to the 50 pound barrel full of oil and drain out some of the oil to make it less than 50 pounds.

What is heavier 1000 pounds or 1000 kilograms?

1,000 kilograms is more than twice as heavy as 1,000 pounds: 1000kg = 2,204.6 pounds.