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It does not. In fact, it usually contains less information because some of the precision of the data in the table may not be easy to retrieve from the graph. However, many people (but not all) find it easier to get a summarised version of the information from a graph than from a table.

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Q: How can a graph of data be more information than a table of the same data?
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Why it is more useful to draw a graph then a table?

Though a table contains the data, it needs to be studied carefully. A graph, on the other hand, is an easier way to graphically show the same data, but in a more visually way.

What would you do to organize your data?

We can use the method of making a table,graph or pai chart to represent our data in short form and more accurate way,,,

Is it easier to write an equation based on a graph or a table?

From a table.Graphs in 3 or more dimensions are extremely difficult to read accurately. Even in 2-D, the coordinates of off-grid points need to be estimated. On a table you have the exact data.

When reading a table a comment located just below the title that gives more detailed information on how the data was collected or how the data are presented is called a?


Why do scientists use graphs and data tables?

Scientists use graphs and data tables to organize and derive information from the data. It starts with the data table. The table organizes all the information that the scientist has collected into one place that can be easily moved around, added to and deleted from. A graph can then be created using the data from the table. The graph is just a visual representation of the numbers in the table. It is often much easier to find patterns, cause and effect or whatever answers the question that the scientists isattempting to answer. Although data tables themselves can hold any and all information, it is usually best to minimize the number of comparisons in a graph. Otherwise your graph can be more confusing than the raw data.

Related questions

How is a graph similar to a data table?

A graph is similar to a data table in that they both present the data. A difference is that the graph is more of a visual representation. Often, trends in the data are easy to recognize in the visual representation of the graph.

How can a table be more informative than the graph with the same data?

A graph can be more useful for making presentations because it is more visual, and it can be easier to recognize a pattern in a graph for the same reason. However, a graph doesn't have any more data than a table with the same data.

Why it is more useful to draw a graph then a table?

Though a table contains the data, it needs to be studied carefully. A graph, on the other hand, is an easier way to graphically show the same data, but in a more visually way.

How can a graph of data be more informative than a table of the same data?

A graph can visually display trends and patterns in the data that may not be as easily discernible from a table. It allows for quick understanding of relationships and comparisons, making it easier to interpret the information and draw conclusions. Graphs can also provide a more intuitive representation of data for those who are visual learners.

How can a graph of data be more imformative than a table of the same data?

it is easier to read and is more recognizable and it is easier to keep organized

What type of illustration can often make information more clear than written text can?

Either graph or data table not sure. Sorry, also trying to figure it out.

What would you do to organize your data?

We can use the method of making a table,graph or pai chart to represent our data in short form and more accurate way,,,

How can a graph of data be more informative than a table?

A graph allows you to visualize how the numbers fit together and makes spotting something like an asymptote easy to find.

How can a graph of data be more informative than a table of the same graph?

A graph does one thing that a data table doesn't do, which is allow a visual representation of the data to be created. This would allow you to see, for example, that a series of data points rises in a straight line far more easily than a bunch of numbers in a table would. Additionally, graphs are good for comparing data, say volumes or masses for example, so that you can see how one value compares to another. All in all, it allows you to see all the data points at once, compared to each other, so that you can draw conclusions about the data as a whole.

What advantages does a graph over a table having the same information in the form of numbers?

it is more of visual information so easy to understand by looking at it

How can a graph of data be more informative than a table of more data?

A graph does one thing that a data table doesn't do, which is allow a visual representation of the data to be created. This would allow you to see, for example, that a series of data points rises in a straight line far more easily than a bunch of numbers in a table would. Additionally, graphs are good for comparing data, say volumes or masses for example, so that you can see how one value compares to another. All in all, it allows you to see all the data points at once, compared to each other, so that you can draw conclusions about the data as a whole.

Is it easier to write an equation based on a graph or a table?

From a table.Graphs in 3 or more dimensions are extremely difficult to read accurately. Even in 2-D, the coordinates of off-grid points need to be estimated. On a table you have the exact data.