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Q: How can a historian determine whether two events are causally related or correlated?
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Is it true that if two variables are not linearly correlated then they are not related?

false they can be related with quadratic equation as well

Is women's intelligence proportional to the length of her skirt?

Skirt lengths and intelligence are randomly correlated having a correlation coefficient of zero to plus 0.15 ie knowing the measure of one does not predict the value of the other--they are independent variables. To say such and such are not correlated is to say you have not compared the variables. They may have identity with a value of plus one, or they may be inversely related having a value of negative one, or they may be randomly correlated with a value of zero--but to compare is to correlate.

How are going to determine the probability of an event?

See the Basic Rules for Probability section in the related link.

How is saying that two variables are correlated different from saying saying that one caused the other?

Correlation and causality are not necessarily related. My age is pretty well correlated with the number of TV sets in the world. But neither of them is caused by the other. In this particular example, they both happen to be correlated to time, but there need not be such a factor. Conversely, let y = x2. Compile a set of pairs of x values, x = -m and x = +m and the corresponding y values, m2. Now, y is totally defined by x, but the correlation of y with x (not x2) for the above set of values will be zero. In this example x causes y but the relationship is not linear - the model is wrongly specified.

How do you calculate the density of an irregular object?

Determine its mass using a balance and determine its volume using water displacement. Then divide the mass by the volume to get density. Refer to the related link below for more detail.

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How does domestic violence and alcoholism relate?

They are correlated but not causally related.

What of the events listed after the passage are correlated but not causally related?

Good question! Correlation implies that two events occur together, but it does not necessarily mean that one causes the other. In this case, events listed after the passage might be correlated but not causally related if there is a pattern in their occurrence but no direct causal link between them.

What is causally related?

If A is causally related to B, then it means that A has caused B.

What does a relationship between two correlated variables have?

Correlation between two variables implies a linear relationship between them. The existence of correlation implies no causal relationship: the two could be causally related to a third variable. For example, my age is correlated with the number of TV sets in the UK but obviously there is no causal link between them - they are both linked to time.

What preposition should follow the word correlated?

The preposition "with" should follow the word "correlated." For example: "The data suggests that these two variables are strongly correlated with each other."

Is it true that if two variables are not linearly correlated then they are not related?

false they can be related with quadratic equation as well

What does the word correlated mean?

Anything mutually related to one another.

What is another word for correlated?

compare, connect, interact, equate

What does it mean if two sets of data are correlated?

they are related, but one might not be causing the other

If two sets of data are correlated this means?

They are related but one might not be causing the other

What is does a historian do in politics?

Check the related links for info

What is the sophisticated behavior of mammals and birds directly related to?

Their sophisticated behavior is directly correlated with their large cerebrum.