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A line cannot intersect in space. Space is a wide open space.

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Q: How can a line and plan intersect in space?
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Can two planes in three-dimensional space intersect at one point?

No, they intersect at a line.

What are skew line segments?

Skew line segments are lines in space which never intersect.

Can two planes in three dimensional space intersect at one point?

No, the two planes intersect at a line, which is an infinite number of points.

What is line intersect?

A line intersect is a point on a line where another line or object crosses the line.

Line xy and line wy intersect at?

They intersect at Y.

What is the intersection of two planes?

If there are two unique, non-parallel planes in space, they will intersect, and their intersection will be a line.

Can two planes intersect in a ray or a segment explain why?

In 3d space, two planes will always intersect at a line...unless of course they are the same plane (they coincide). Because planes are infinite in both directions, there is no end point (as in a ray or segment). So, your answer is neither, planes intersect at a line.

What would serve as a counter example to the statement Two planes intersect in exactly one line?

Two planes do not intersect at all if the planes are parallel in three-dimensional space.

Do two planes intersect at a point or a line?

Two planes intersect at a line

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whatto line segments intersect but are not perpendicular

Do planes intersect at a point?

No, planes intersect at a line.

Do Two planes always intersect in a line?

Some planes are parallel and don't intersect at all. Those that do intersect (and that are not coincident, i.e. the same plane) intersect in a line.