First multiply the numerators: top numbers.
Then the denominators: bottom numbers.
Example: 1/2 x 2/5
1 x 2 = 2
2 x 5 = 10
Result: 2/10
Simplified: 1/5 (done by dividing top and bottom numbers by 2).
It can be a fraction or an integer.
That is not true. 2/7 is a fraction and 7 is not a multiple of 10.
No one
It is not a fraction, it is a multiple.
hecto = 100 times
It can be a fraction or an integer.
That is not true. 2/7 is a fraction and 7 is not a multiple of 10.
k often represents 1000 the multiple, not a fraction.
Yes, if the denominator is a multiple of the numerator. No, if not.
You multiply the fraction by any non-zero multiple of its denominator.
No one
You multiply the fraction by any non-zero multiple of its denominator.
It is not a fraction, it is a multiple.
hecto = 100 times
The smallest multiple of anything is the thing itself.
Any rational number is a fraction multiple of 1/9. For example, if you want 7/8 thenp/q = (7/8)*(1/9) = 7/72 is the multiple that you want.
When the denominator of the fraction is a simple multiple of 2s and 5s.