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if the negative number is within an absolute value sign than the negative number will actually equal a positive number

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Q: How can a negative number be greater than zero?
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Related questions

Can zero be greater than a negative number?

Yes it Can because a negative number cant be greater than zero unless its an absoloute value.

What is greater than zero?

Any positive number is greater than zero. Negative numbers are less than zero. good answer but a positive number is a number without a - or the word negative in front of it

What does negative and positive mean?

A positive number is greater than zero; a negative number is less than zero.

Is 0.1 negative?

0.1 is not negative, it is positive. A negative number is a number that is less than zero. 0.1 is greater than zero.

What is a positive and What is a negative?

In math, a positive is a number greater then zero, and a negative number is less than zero.

What is a number greater than zero called?

A number greater than zero is called a positive number, while a number below zero is called a negative number.

Is a negative number greater or less than 0?

A negative number is less than zero.

When is a negative number greater than zero?


Is a negative and a positive a positive?

In math, a positive is a number greater then zero, and a negative number is less than zero.

Can a negative number be greater than a positive number?

No. All positive numbers are greater than zero and all negative numbers are less than zero. Therefore, all positive numbers are greater than all negative numbers. That said, there is a such thing as absolute value, which is how far a number is from zero. For example the absolute value of -10 is 10. The absolute value of a negative number can be greater than that of a positive number.

Is negative a greater than zero?

no zero is greater

How can -a be greater than zero?

If a is a negative number the negatives cancel each out.