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Q: How can arc strike appear on a guided bendtest?
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Why is it important to strike the arc only on the weld joint?

why is it important only to strike the arc in the weld joint

Why arc strike occur in arc welding?

because you're making a short-circuit that's why!, whaddayaknow uh? More correctly as the label "arc welding" implies an arc is made by striking the metal to be welded with the electrode and this establishes the arc needed to generate the heat needed to melt the rod or filler metal and weld the parent metals together. The problem comes about when the arc is established outside of the area to be welded and this strike leaves a very hard area (due to the momentary strike that creates a hard node) that with any stress can become the start point for a crack or small fracture that with continued stress will grow until complete failure of the part. There are many examples of this occurring where, e.g. a single arc strike near a welded seam on a ship has started a crack that then moved to the welded seam and then followed the seam down the side, under the keel and the ship broke in half. So an arc strike occurs most commonly due to an accidental strike by a welder outside of the weld area where it will not be consumed by the weld process and if left will expose the part to potential failure at some time in the future. "Arc strike" is commonly used to describe a mark left on the metal caused by the misplaced arc being started outside the weld area. Welder competence will play a big part in the ability to strike an arc in the weld zone where intended but regardless of the reason for the "arc strike" the answer is to remove the arc strike to prevent possible part failure at some time in the future.

Who was Saint Joan of Arc?

Joan of Arc named three Saints that guided her during her life: Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Margaret and Saint Catherine.

Why is it important to strike the arc only in weld joint?

con cac

Who did St. Catherine of Alexandria appear to?

She is said to have appeared to Joan of Arc.

A violent explosion that may appear as a loop or an arc is?

A short-circuit in an electrical system can cause a violent explosion that may appear as a loop or an arc due to the rapid discharge of electrical energy creating an electrical arc. This can lead to damage to the equipment, electrical fires, and potential harm to individuals in the vicinity. It is crucial to address any electrical faults promptly to prevent such incidents.

What would not appear on a page with these guide words arcade and arctic?

Arc :)

Why did Jesus and Mary appear on Joan of Arc's banner?

The inclusion of Jesus and Mary on Joan of Arc's banner was likely a reflection of her deep religious faith and an attempt to inspire her troops by associating their cause with divine figures. Jesus and Mary were important figures in Christian theology, and Joan sought their protection and guidance during her military campaign. It was also a way for her to express her personal devotion and belief in her divine mission.

What are huge bursts of gas that appear to leap from the Sun in a twisting arc are called?

Solar prominences

Huge bursts of gas that appear to leap from the Sun in a twisting arc are called?

Solar prominences

What are the huge bursts of gas that appear to leap from the sun in a twisting arc called?

Solar prominences

Is Welding set a high voltage or high current load?

The arc utilized for arc welding is low voltage high current discharge. The voltage required for maintaining an arc is less than for striking the arc. Voltage drops & current increases as the arc is developed. The voltage required to strike DC arc is about 50-55 V & for AC is 80-90 V.It is difficult to maintain the arc with voltage less than 14V or more than 40V.READ ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY BY B L THAREJA / AK THAREJA