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Q: How can avogadro's number give you 2 conversion factors?
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Can you give me all the conversion factors?

No, it is not possible to do that: there are too many.

Explain how avogadro's number can give two conversion factors?

using Avagadro's number you can go from a number of something to mols, or you can go backwards, from mols of something to particles/atoms/molecules etc.

Why study metric system?

The study of metric system and units are important as it give a simple conversion factors. Metric units always goes by the powers of 10 that the calculations becomes easier to deal with than imperial where the conversion factors differ by its units.

Can you give me a number with prime factors 3 and 5?


In the table form give the most common conversion factors?

There are thousands of conversion factors and it is not possible to list them all. There are over 30 units of length listed in Wikipedia "unit of length" - some are more common than others but most are in use. The count does not include the 20 or so SI prefices (milli, centi, kilo etc), making around 50 units in all. Each pair of measurement units will have two conversion factor: from A to B and from B to A. So just lengths will give rise to approx 50*50 (or 2500) conversion factors. Then there are measures for area, volume, mass, weight, force, work, ...

Can you give me an example of composite number?

Any number that has more than 2 factors is a composite number

What are all lists of the factors of a composite number?

One needs the composite number before he can find its factors. Thus the solution I shall give is ∞.

What type of number has an odd number of factors Give examples?

A square number, like 4, 9 and 25.

What Factors of 50 give you the negative number -5?


Give you factors arrays for the number 15?

1, 3, 5 and 15

Why does 2x3x4x5 give you the least number of factors?

The expression 2x3x4x5 can be simplified to 120. The number 120 has the least number of factors because it is a product of consecutive prime numbers (2, 3, and 5). When a number is a product of distinct prime numbers, it will have fewer factors compared to numbers with repeated prime factors. In this case, 120 only has 16 factors, making it the least among numbers with the same number of prime factors.

Can you give you some prime number answers like 127 what two factors does it haveand like these what two factors do these have157 131?

Every prime number has exactly two factors. One of the factors is ' 1 '.The other factor is the number itself. If the number has any more factors,then it's not a prime number.If someone gives you a number, guarantees that it's definitely a prime number,and asks you to find the factors, you know the answer immediately. There aretwo factors. One of the factors is ' 1 ', the other factor is the number itself, andthere are no more factors.