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Q: How can cultism be reduced in schools?
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What is the cause of cultism how to stop it

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What are the effect of cultism on nigeria education?

It leads to loss of lives

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The kind on the cusp of cultism.

What is the origin of cultism in Nigeria?

Cultism is the practice to be extremists. In Nigeria, the origin of cultism is traced to Prof. Wole Soyinka, with the objectives to fight social ills and preserve good moral conducts within and outside the university campus.

What are the causes and the effect of cultism on the society and the cultist?

it can lead to family crises

What countries have banned homework?

None. No schools or states have banned homework. Some schools have reduced the amount given but it is still given out.

The effects of cultism on higher institutions?

Cultism in higher institutions can have many negative effects, such as violence, intimidation, and disruption of academic activities. It can also lead to emotional and psychological harm for both members and non-members of cult groups. Additionally, cultism can create a hostile and unsafe campus environment, compromising the overall well-being and reputation of the institution.

Where did cultism originate?

It was originated in Egypt during the pharoahs time.It can be through their pyramids

What are the effect of cultism?

1. it can lead to loss of lives 2. it can lead you into prison

What are the negative effect of cultism on the youth?

i am asking the question and you expect me to answer funny

The impact of kidnapping and cultism on nigeria economy?

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