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You will use them when figuring out tips at a restaurant, figuring out how much more than one of an item will cost, finding unit price for comparison in stores that do not provide the information, and for many other practical things.

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Q: How can division and multiplication be useful in real life situations?
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How can you use Multiplication and division in daily life?


Why do you need to learn multiplication and division?

because it is important in everyday life

How can multiplication be useful in real life situations?

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it's OK but i think i need some more meanings..

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The four maths you need to learn the most are addition,subtraction,multiplication and division. You need to learn this because it will help you understand the othe parts in maths.

How can you use division in real life situations?

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When do you use BIDMAS in real life?

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Why does mathematics are important to LIFE?

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