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It depends on the question. If it is to do with bearings or orientation, the answer should be pretty obvious.

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Q: How can drawing a map help answer a math question?
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If you are drawing a map in which the scale is 1 inch equals 2 miles?

You should probably finish your question.

Define the term map as used in engineering drawing?

= Define the term map as used in engineering drawing?" =

What is a scale model in math terms?

a scale model ~aka~(Scale drawing) in math terms is - The process of drawing a figure either enlarged or reduced in size from its original size. Usually the scale is given, as on a map 1 inch equals 10 miles.----

What is a drawing of a place?


If the distance on the map is 138.4272cm how many miles will the team have to travel?

It is not possible to answer the question without information about the scale used in drawing the map, But it would be more than 150 miles

What kind of map can help you plan a location for a house?

A plat map or a survey of the property in question

What is Need of engineering drawing for civil engineering?

Engineering drawing shows the proper map of building which helps in deriving the estimation cost of building and also help in planning of construction.

How do you map out a watershed?

You map out a watershed by getting a pencil or pen and drawing a river and then you pentonily write above the accurate drawing the hydenous title that would suit your drawing.

What is a flat drawing of a place?

a map

What is a drawing of a place on a map?


What is a drawing that represents something on a map?

A map symbol is a drawing such as a little airplane or train that represents respectively an airport or a train station.

What is a drawing that indicates directions on a map especially cardinal and intermediate directions?

what is a drawing that indicates directions on a map especially cardinal and intermediate directions