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Substitute the numerical value of the position of the specific term in the equation and evaluate the result.

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Q: How can explicit formulas be used to determine specific terms in a sequence?
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How does a DNA molecule determine structures of a specific protein?

The DNA sequence will determine the amino acid sequence known as the protein's primary structure. As the protein is folded into the secondary, tertiary and quatranary structures, the amino acid molecules will determine the shape

What is explicit signal?

A specific indication to do something.

How does DNA contain instructions for traits?

DNA contains genes, which are sequences of nucleotides that code for specific proteins. These proteins are involved in various biochemical processes that determine an organism's traits. The specific sequence of nucleotides in DNA determines the sequence of amino acids in a protein, which ultimately influences an organism's physical and biochemical characteristics.

How does DNA sequence determine protein function?

The DNA sequence encodes the sequence of amino acids in a protein, which in turn determines the protein's structure and function. The specific sequence of amino acids determines how the protein folds into its three-dimensional structure, which ultimately determines its function in the body. Any changes in the DNA sequence can result in alterations to the protein structure and function, leading to potential health consequences.

What gene DNA sequence encodes mvhtdaekaavsglw?

The gene DNA sequence that encodes the protein "mvhtdaekaavsglw" would be specific to the organism of interest. To determine the specific gene sequence, one would need to perform a database search using the protein sequence to identify the corresponding gene sequence. This can be done through tools like BLAST or by searching specific databases like NCBI.

If you knew the sequence of nucleotides within a gene which one what could you determine with the most accuracy?

Knowing the sequence of nucleotides within a gene allows you to determine the specific amino acid sequence of the protein encoded by that gene with the most accuracy. This information is crucial for understanding the structure and function of the protein and its potential role in biological processes.

What kind of mutation is tag ctt ggc at?

The sequence "tag ctt ggc" provided does not represent a specific mutation. A mutation would involve a change in a specific base or bases within a DNA sequence. Without further context or details, it is not possible to determine the type of mutation.

What reads mRNA to determine the correct aino acid sequence to assemble?

Ribosomes do that, reading the mRNA in groups of 3 called "codons" for the specific amino acid

How the genetic information is stored in a cell?

Gene stores information as a sequence of nucleotides, which codes for the sequence of amino acids that determine the formation of a specific polypeptide or protein.

What is the amino acid sequence of gcgatatcg?

The amino acid sequence of gcgatatcg cannot be determined directly because it is a DNA sequence. In order to determine the amino acid sequence, the DNA sequence first needs to be transcribed into mRNA and then translated into a protein using the genetic code. Each set of three nucleotides (codon) corresponds to a specific amino acid.

Do you use the DNA the mRNA to determine the amino acid?

Yes, the mRNA is used as a template to determine the sequence of amino acids during protein synthesis. The information in mRNA is transcribed from DNA and then translated into a specific sequence of amino acids according to the genetic code.

How does the DNA nucleotide sequence determine the amino acid sequence?

The DNA nucleotide sequence contains information that is transcribed into mRNA, which carries the genetic code from the nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm. The ribosomes then translate the mRNA sequence into the corresponding amino acid sequence, following the genetic code where each set of three nucleotides (codon) codes for a specific amino acid. This process determines the amino acid sequence in a protein.