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How about 8*log(88/88) or 888*log(8/8)

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Q: How can i make five 8's equals none and i cant use plus or?
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What is equal to five over eight?

It equals 60%

How much income do a animal make in a year?

none animals cant talk or

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none u cant equals exactly 1 yen with only us dollars 1 us dollar equals 118 yen so it is impossible.

How many boys 4a basketball team?

Five on a boy's team, and none on a girl's team. To calculate, subtract the number of girls on the team from five. That equals the number of boys on a team.

A man has five coins that equal 50 cents but none are dimes how is this possible?

Each coin is a half-dollar. If you have five coins that equal 50 cents, then you have five half-dollars. Each half-dollar equals 50 cents.

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None - they are different drugs,so you can't make one out of the other

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You cant get none!

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none... cant drink anywhere unless your 21, what they cant see, cant hurt them though... so if you are going to, just make sure its inside.

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there is none who cant do that

How many dollars does a nickel have?

None. It takes 20 nickels (each is five cents) to make one dollar (US)

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there was none cant you think