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Q: How can information be evaluated?
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Why must webpages created by organazations be carefully evaluated as sources of scientific information?

they may be baised

What should sources be evaluated for?

Sources should be evaluated for credibility, reliability, accuracy, and relevance to ensure the information is trustworthy and appropriate for the intended purpose. Check the author's credentials, publication date, potential biases, and supporting evidence to determine the credibility of a source.

Why must pages created by organizations .org be carefully evaluated as sources of scientific information?

they may be biased

Why must web pages create by organization be carefully evaluated as sources scientific information?

they may be biased

Why must web page created by organizations be carefully evaluated as source of scientific information?

they may be biased

What is (3y plus 22)?

It is 3y + 22. This cannot be simplified, nor can it be evaluated without information about y.

Why must webpages created by organizations orgs be carefully evaluated as sources of scientific information?

they may be biased

Why might you be likely to feel that an Internet source is unreliable?

When the information is posted without a specific source, the validity of the information cannot be determined or evaluated.

Why must web pages created by organization .org be carefully evaluated as source of scientific information?

they may be biased