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Q: How can interviewer bias and values distort sociological data?
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What term is fedined as anything that can distort data and lead to inaccurate conclusions?


What term is defined as anything that can distort data and lead to inaccurate conclusions?

bias anomaly

How are experimental bias and emotional bias alike and different?

Alike:They are both an error that distort results in a particular way.Different: Emotional bias is distortion in cognition and decision making and expiremental bias is error that distorts results in a particular way.

How can an interviewer be bias?

Interviewer Biases :# •Stereotyping# •Inconsistency in questioning# •First impression error# •Negative emphasis# •Halo/horn effect# •Nonverbal bias# •Contrast effect# •Similar-to-me error

What is belief bias?

Belief bias is the tendency for one's preexisting beliefs to distort logical reasoning, sometimes by making invalid conclusions seem valid, or valid conclusions seem invalid.

Is sociology neutral?

Value neutrality, as described by Max Weber, is the duty of sociologists to identify and acknowledge their own values and overcome their personal biases when conducting sociological research. In order to be value-neutral, sociologists must be aware of their own moral judgments and values, and avoid incorporating them into their research, their conclusions, and their teaching. Many sociologists believe it is impossible to set aside personal values and retain complete objectivity. They caution readers, rather, to understand that sociological studies may, by necessity, contain a certain amount of value bias.

Which condition demonstrate the presence of response effect bias?

people tell interviewers what they think the interviewer wants to hear.

In a survey on women's attitudes toward men which of these could introduce interviewer-induced bias?

If all the interviewers are men

In a survey on mens' attitudes towards women what would cause interviewer-induced bias?

If all of the interviewers are women

When a person allows personal opinions values or tastes to influence a conclusion that person is using?


Why do diode has two resistance values in ieone in forward bias other in reverse bias?

because the current push to the junction.

What is assessment bias in education?

Bias is present when there are elements in an assessment procedure tht distort a student's performance because of the student's personal characteristics, such as gender, ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, religion, or other group -defining characteristics.