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Q: How can numerical expressions help you to apply mathematics to real world problems?
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What is the difference between Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences?

Applied mathematics is a very general term and thus makes this question rather difficult to answer, as it can apply to almost anything where advanced mathematics is used in the study topic. For example: probability, statistics, financial analysis, mechanics, physics, discrete mathematics, graph theory, engineering, numerical analysis, and even cryptology, can all be described as applied mathematics.The one that has the most in common with computer science however is, to my knowledge, numerical analysis. numerical analysis looks at problems in continuous mathematics that can't be solved by conventional analytical methods, and looks at developing algorithms to then solve these problems.Computer science looks at the theory behind information and computation/programming, and applies it to every area, using programmes and software to solve all problems, instead of just the ones looked at by numerical analysis.

How do the properties of real numbers apply to expressions?

They do not apply to all expressions - only to those expressions whose elements are either real numerical constants or variables which can only take real values.The set of real numbers is closed under the operations of arithmetic. As a result each term in an expression, which will be made up of real constants or real variables, will also be a real constant or variable. And since each term in the expression is real, the closure implies that their combination is also real.

Is engineering related to math?

Engineering is an applied science that is heavily involved with mathematics. Every discipline of engineering (chemical, mechanical, structural, electrical, computer, etc.) uses a vast amount of mathematics ranging from algebra to Laplace Transforms to define, explain and understand the problems that arise with its area of expertise. Many other fields of pure science use mathematics beyond engineering but the aim of engineering is to apply mathematics to real world problems.

How you will apply mathematics on real life situation?

It really depends on the situation. You can apply different areas of mathematics in different situations. Actually it's sort of hard to imagine a situation in which you will NOT need to apply at least SOME mathematics, even if in many cases it's only simple things such as counting, comparing, adding, etc.

How can relate mathematics in your life?

From a practical perspective mathematics is a tool for solving problems abstractly rather than by trial and error. It is not useful for all kinds of problems but when it applies, it is nearly always the fastest, most cost-effective and most reliable way to find the solution. Everybody is faced with problems from time to time. You can either get someone to solve them for you or you can solve them yourself. If you have to solve problems for yourself, mathematics may be the key. The critical thing you need to learn about mathematics is when it will be useful. If you know that a problem may be solved by mathematics you will know where to look for help even if you do not know the necessary mathematics already. As it turns out many problems can be solved with only math and a calculator or home computer. Besides solving the problems of staying alive, many humans seek something that animals do not care about- something aesthetic, something artistically or mentally stimulating. Some people enjoy philosophical discussions , debates and such that are not essential to their creature needs. Much of mathematics was invented by people like this- people who enjoy the logic and the intricate mathematical structures and machinery that have been built up through the centuries. This will not apply to you if you hate to think, but if you learn enough mathematics to be able to see its beauty and enjoy it, you will never be bored.

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How can you apply numerical expressions in your life?

You cant

What is the difference between Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences?

Applied mathematics is a very general term and thus makes this question rather difficult to answer, as it can apply to almost anything where advanced mathematics is used in the study topic. For example: probability, statistics, financial analysis, mechanics, physics, discrete mathematics, graph theory, engineering, numerical analysis, and even cryptology, can all be described as applied mathematics.The one that has the most in common with computer science however is, to my knowledge, numerical analysis. numerical analysis looks at problems in continuous mathematics that can't be solved by conventional analytical methods, and looks at developing algorithms to then solve these problems.Computer science looks at the theory behind information and computation/programming, and applies it to every area, using programmes and software to solve all problems, instead of just the ones looked at by numerical analysis.

What areas is mathematics applied in economics?

It apply ecomically through calculating income and outcome of wat u've been achieved. And u used mathematics aspect to solve d problems.

Why do the properties for solving for exponential expressions apply to radical expressions as well?

A radical is an exponent, stupid.

How do the properties of real numbers apply to expressions?

They do not apply to all expressions - only to those expressions whose elements are either real numerical constants or variables which can only take real values.The set of real numbers is closed under the operations of arithmetic. As a result each term in an expression, which will be made up of real constants or real variables, will also be a real constant or variable. And since each term in the expression is real, the closure implies that their combination is also real.

If the laws of physics were different would mathematics remain the same?

Most likely not. Mathematics itself is essentially a description of how everything works, and the only reason it is possible to extend it into so many areas is because the laws of physics apply to all of these areas. This is why it is so difficult to apply mathematics to areas of science we are unsure of! +++ I'd say mathematics would be the same - different rules of physics would require different equations etc. but the way those are solved in a purely numerical sense would stay the same.

What is the first sentence of the nature of work for a petroleum engineer according to the national occupational handbook of petroleum engineers?

Engineers apply the principles of science and mathematics to develop economical solutions to technical problems.

Is engineering related to math?

Engineering is an applied science that is heavily involved with mathematics. Every discipline of engineering (chemical, mechanical, structural, electrical, computer, etc.) uses a vast amount of mathematics ranging from algebra to Laplace Transforms to define, explain and understand the problems that arise with its area of expertise. Many other fields of pure science use mathematics beyond engineering but the aim of engineering is to apply mathematics to real world problems.

How you will apply mathematics on real life situation?

It really depends on the situation. You can apply different areas of mathematics in different situations. Actually it's sort of hard to imagine a situation in which you will NOT need to apply at least SOME mathematics, even if in many cases it's only simple things such as counting, comparing, adding, etc.

What are the requirements to apply for Risk courses online?

If you are wondering whether or not you can apply for online courses in Risk with just a degree in mathematics, then the answer would be that you can apply.

What is the role of mathematics in engineering?

Everything in the world is a factor - pressure, torque, gravity, tension, etc. We use mathematics to calculate each of these things and apply them when building something so that it can withstand them without breaking or fracturing. Mathematics aids in both the measurement and application of this data to a structure to ensure that it will be solid and to keep an air of uniformity about it so that any problems will be easier to fix.

Can I apply for medical school if I had a Bachelor's degree is BS Mathematics?

Yes u can