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Every integer apart from 0, has two pieces of information: its distance from 0, and its direction from 0. So it has its value and its sign. So you have a positive and negative for each integer. So the digit 2 can be positive 2 or negative 2 for example.

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Q: How can one integer can have two absolute values?
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The difference of a negative integer and a positive integer is?

An integer that is equal in magnitude to the sum of their absolute values. Its sign is the same as which of the two numbers you are taking the difference from. For example, for the integers 5 and -7. Their absolute values are 5 and 7 so that the sum of the absolute values is 5+7 = 12. Then 5 - (-7) = +12 and -7 - 5 = -12.

How can you predict the sign of the sum of a positive and a negative integer before you add the numbers?

If the absolute value of the positive integer is greater than the absolute value of the negative integer, then the sum of the two will be positive.If the absolute value of the positive integer is less than the absolute value of the negative integer, then the sum will be negative.If the absolute values of the two integers are the same then the sum will be zero, which has neither a negative nor a positive sign.

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The sum of two positive integers is positive. The sum of two negative integers is negative. The sum of one positive integer and one negative integer has the same sign as the addend with the greater absolute value. If the absolute values of the two addends are equal, the sum is zero.

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Neither of the two are one-to-one

How do you turn a positive integer into a negative integer in programming?

Store the absolute value of the desired integer in a variable. Multiply the absolute value by two. Substract the new integer by the old integer.

What is the rule in dividing integers?

The rule in dividing integers is to divide the absolute values. Two positive integers or two negative integers equals positive product. If one integer is positive and the other is negative, the product is negative.

Is the sum of an absolute value is the same of their absolute values?

The sum of the absolute values of two numbers is greater or equal than the absolute values of the sum. It will be equal if both are positive or both are negative; greater if one is positive and one is negative. Try it out with some sample numbers!

When comparing two integers the integer with the greater absolute value is always the greater integer?

No.A positive integer is always larger than a negative integer. In the case of two negative integers, the integer with the larger absolute value is actually smaller.

When is the sum of a positive and negative integer equal to 0?

When the absolute values of the two integers is the same. The absolute value is the value of the number without considering its sign. So, for example, abs(-3) = abs(3) = 3

What are the two kinds of values?

absolute moral values and behavioral or cultural values

When comparing two integers the integer with the bigger absolute value is always the greater integer?

The statement is false.