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Q: How can say that one division of main scale of sextant is one degree?
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What is the smallest main scale division in a vernier scale with 50 divisions?

The smallest main scale division in a vernier scale with 50 divisions is 1/50th of the main scale division. This is because each division on the vernier scale corresponds to 1/50th of a main scale division, allowing for more precise measurements to be made.

What are the main scale and vernier scale readings?

The main scale reading is obtained by looking at the marked division on the main scale that aligns with the reference mark on the vernier scale. The vernier scale reading is taken from the division on the vernier scale that aligns most closely with a division on the main scale. Combining these readings gives a more precise measurement than with just the main scale alone.

How to take a main scale reading and vernier scale reading?

To take a main scale reading, identify the whole number on the main scale that is to the left of the zero mark on the vernier scale. Then, identify the vernier scale division that aligns closely with a division on the main scale. Add the main scale reading and the vernier scale reading together to get the final measurement.

What does the smallest division on the main scale of the micrometer gauge correspond to?

The smallest division on the main scale of a micrometer gauge typically corresponds to 0.5 mm or 0.025 inches. This is the precision at which the main scale can be read.

How do you find radius of cylinder when the main scale reading is 35 division and 4 division of vernier scale coincides with a main scale division?

The vernier scale provides a more precise measurement by showing how much the object has moved past a whole number on the main scale. Since 4 divisions of the vernier scale coincide with one less division on the main scale, each division on the vernier scale represents 1/4 of a division on the main scale. In this case, the total reading would be 35 main scale divisions plus 4 divisions on the vernier scale, giving a total of 35.25 divisions on the main scale. To find the radius of the cylinder, you would measure the circumference with a tape measure or string and then divide that measurement by 2π to find the radius.

What does the smallest division on the main scale of the vernier caliper correspond to?

The smallest division on the main scale of a vernier caliper typically corresponds to 1 millimeter. The vernier scale allows for more precise measurements by measuring to the nearest 0.1 millimeter.

What is the least count of vernier and why?

The least count of a vernier scale is the smallest measurement that can be read or determined on the main scale. It is calculated by dividing the smallest division on the main scale by the total number of divisions on the vernier scale. A smaller least count allows for more precise measurements to be taken.

What do you use vernier scales for?

It is an auxiliary device for making fine adjustment to an instrument, generally by means of a fine screw thread. Used in certain measuring instruments. It is a small moveable scale running next to the main graduated scale which indicates a fractional part of the main scale. An example would be a sextant or barometer

How do you calculate readings of sextant?

first find out least count of main circular scale in degrees,then divide least count of main scale by total divisions on cylindrical scale(this cylindrical scale works as vernier scale for fist one,its least count will be in minutes) then further divide least count of cylindrical scale by total divisions of small vernier scale which touches it,(this small scale works as vernier scale for cylindrical scale and its least count will be in seconds).

How do you measure the least count of vernier?

The least count of a vernier scale is calculated by dividing the smallest division on the main scale by the total number of divisions on the vernier scale. This calculation gives the value of one vernier division.

Differentiate between main scale reading and vernier scale reading?

main scale is the least accurate reading on the device. the vernier scale uses an offset of divions that only allows one "line" or division to line up with the scale below. This scale is more accurate than the main scale. for example, the main scale may produce an accuracy of 0.125 of and inch plus or minus 0.125 of an inch, whereas the vernier would produce an accuracy of 0.025 of and inch. therefore if two divivions of the main scale and one division of the vernier scale were combined it would prodice and reading of (0.125+0.125+0.025 = 0.275) inches.

What are the smallest divisions on the main scale of the vernier calipers and in the screw gauge?

The smallest division on the main scale of the vernier calipers is typically 1 millimeter, while the smallest division on the screw gauge is typically 0.01 millimeters, also known as 0.01 mm.