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The secret is that copper packs more mass than

wood or plastic do into the same volume.

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Q: How can the density of copper be greater than the density of plastic and wood?
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Why is the density of copper wire more than the density of PVC?

copper is metal, density greater than water.PVC is synthetic organic, density less than water.

How can you determine density of plastic that has a lower density than water?

release the plastic in water it will flow because bouyant force of water is greater than platic

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The relative density of a plastic cube is the ratio of the density of the plastic cube to the density of water. To calculate it, you would divide the density of the plastic cube by the density of water (usually 1 g/cm^3). If the relative density is less than 1, the cube will float in water, and if it's greater than 1, the cube will sink.

What is denser 1 g of gold or 1 kg of copper?

1 kg of copper is denser than 1 g of gold because density is defined as mass per unit volume. Since 1 kg of copper has a larger mass compared to 1 g of gold, it will occupy a smaller volume, making it denser.

Is the density of copper more than iron?

No, the density of copper is less than iron. Copper has a density of about 8.96 g/cm3, while iron has a density of about 7.87 g/cm3.

How could you predicd if a block of plastic will float in water?

You can predict if a block of plastic will float in water by comparing the density of the plastic with the density of water. If the density of the plastic is less than the density of water (1 g/cm³), the plastic will float. If the density of the plastic is greater than the density of water, the plastic will sink.

Does copper sink in water?

Copper does not sink in water.. An object with higher density than water sinks while an object with lower density than water floats..

What does the density have to be greater than for an object to float?

It has to be greater than the density of the fluid in which it is to be floated.

Is paper or plastic a better conductor?

Copper is a better conductor of electricity than both paper and plastic. Paper and plastic materials are poor conductors of electricity compared to metals like copper, which have a higher density of free electrons that can carry electric charge more effectively.

If an object sinks when being placed in water its density is?

To sink, the object's density must be greater than the density of water.To sink, the object's density must be greater than the density of water.To sink, the object's density must be greater than the density of water.To sink, the object's density must be greater than the density of water.

One object has a greater density than another when it has?

one object has greater density than another when it has

Which has greater density ice or water how can you say that?

Water has a greater density than ice.