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Physicists and Engineers use small scale models like this all the time to convert to real world use.

A toy car going down a ramp can simulate how a life size car will respond going down a hill.

They can then use that information to build safer roads and vehicles.

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Q: How can the distance of a toy car travels down a ramp affect its speed be used in real world uses?
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The world record for the 100meter dash is 9.78seconds what is this speed in miles per hour?

This means an average speed of 22.87 miles per hour over the distance of the race.

Average marathon speed distance?

The average speed of the world record time is slightly over 20 km per hour, which is around 1 km per 3 minutes.

What is a real world example when the solution of a system of linear equations must be in the first quadrant?

usually used in science, distance versus time to find speed. distance on y-xis, and time on x-axis. the line represents speed. since neither time nor distance can be negative, the line will always be in the first quadrant.

Is speed a distance traveled in a given time?

Without going into all the fine points about the difference between speed and velocity, speed is generally assumed to be the distance travelled in a unit of time. As an example if you travel 120 feet in 60 minutes you travel at a speed of 120 ft/60 min = 2 ft/min. The assumption (looking at the answer) is that you travelled at the same rate every minute. However in the real world you may have gone 119 feet in 1 minute and spent the remaining 59 minutes traveling the last foot. Spped is therefor the average rate you conered the distance in the total time elapsed.

What does distance equal?

Distance is the length of anything or the distance between any two points. In standard units, it would be measured in inches, feet, yards, or miles. In SI unites, it would be measured in mm, cm, m, or km. In Astronomy, one might also use AU (distance from earth to sun), or lightyears (distance light travels in a year). Velocity/Distance calculates are common in mathematics, but perhaps only moderately applicable in the real world as speeds often vary during a trip. However, people do frequently try to estimate the expected duration of a trip.

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Which is the fastest land car in the world?

it is the scc ultimate aero. it travels at the speed of 257 mph. hope this helps!

What is lightings speed?

the speed of light is 300 thousand kilometres a second, or 300 million metres a second. which means it would go around the world 7.5 times in a single second. a light year is the distance that light travels in one year, which is 9.5 trillion kilometres. light is gamma rays, and gamma rays are electromagnetic waves that occur after either alpha or beta decay.

Does convection travel at the speed of light?

No but the leader that travels from the cloud to the ground travels at about 60 000 m/s. Light travels at 300 000 000 m/s. Note that the bright flash of lightning occurs on the return stoke and travels from the ground up to the cloud. Read the article on lightning at, 'The World's Encyclopedia'. The link is in the related links below.

Does light travel faster or slower when it travels in a medium?

Light travels slower in a medium compared to its speed in a vacuum. This is because the particles in the medium interact with the light and cause it to change speed as it passes through. The speed of light in a medium is determined by the medium's optical properties.

If sonic is real were can you find him?

First of All,HE"S FICTIONAL! Second IF he was real,you could never find him,he travels the ENTIRE WORLD at the Speed of Sound.

What is the distance for Disney World to Sarasota Florida?

It will take you about 8 minutes driving.. If you're willing to speed a little

The world record for the 100meter dash is 9.78seconds what is this speed in miles per hour?

This means an average speed of 22.87 miles per hour over the distance of the race.

What do you call a person that travels around the world?

A person who travels around the world is often called a "globetrotter" or a "world traveler."

How far does a wave travel in one period?

For a transverse wave such as a sound or radio wave, the wavelength is the distance between two successive crests or troughs. In one cycle it travels through its maximum and minimum amplitudes and returns to its starting level.

How fast does is the speed of light travel around the earth?

The speed of light in a vacuum is approximately 299,792 kilometers per second (186,282 miles per second). Light can travel around the Earth's equator about 7.5 times in one second.

What are the cheats for World of Warcraft?

World of Warcraft does not have any cheats. There are programs that might affect your speed or performance (mistakingly called hacks) but they are not allowed and using them can get you banned.

Speed is the distance traveled per unit of time In the metric system speed could be measured in?

Western world scientists measure in feet per second.Metric is in meters per second.