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The first equation factors to (3x + 2)(3x + 4)

The second equation factors to (3a + 2b)(3a + 4b)

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Q: How can the factoring of the first equation help you factor the second equation 9x2 power 18x plus 8 9a2power 18ab plus 8b2power?
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What are the kinds of factor?

factoring whole numbers,factoring out the greatest common factor,factoring trinomials,factoring the difference of two squares,factoring the sum or difference of two cubes,factoring by grouping.

How do you find the area as a product by factoring the greatest common factor?

A = l x w, use the gcf as either the length or the width and use the other factor as the other part of the equation.

How do you do a parabola?

A parabola is a graph of a 2nd degree polynomial function. Two graph a parabola, you must factor the polynomial equation and solve for the roots and the vertex. If factoring doesn't work, use the quadratic equation.

Can a factor pair have an extra addition problem?

Yes and they do in factoring quadratic equations.Yes and they do in factoring quadratic equations.Yes and they do in factoring quadratic equations.Yes and they do in factoring quadratic equations.

What is the first thing you do when factoring an expression?

Factor out the Greatest Common Factor.

What is meaning of factoring?

of Factor, The act of resolving into factors.

What is the process of finding the factor is called?

factoring or factorizing

What does credit factoring mean?

Credit Factoring is where a business sells its invoices to a third party at a discount. In credit factoring, the third party buying the invoices is called the factor.

What does factoring rates mean?

Factoring rates apply to the practice of businesses selling receivables at a discount to a factor, who then collects the funds. The factoring rate is the amount of the discount at which the receivable is purchased.

How do you factor 5a2-14a-30?

solving by factoring 5a2

When do you stop factoring by Greate st Common Factor?

When the GCF is 1.

Can 1 be a factor in a factor tree?

No, factor trees are intended to find prime factors, 1 isn't prime. The process of factoring is intended to break down the number. Since factoring out 1 still leaves the original number, it isn't useful.