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It can easily be measured by using a protractor and measuring the angle between the ground and the top of the tree. You need to know exactly how far you are from the tree. Then you can use trigonometry to calculate the height of the tree. Tan (angle in degrees) = height of tree / distance from tree

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Q: How can the height of a tree be calculated?
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How could you measure the height of a tree at noon when the sun is directly overhead and the tree casts no shadow?

Your best bet here would be to use trigonometry. One stand a given distance away from the tree and sight the top of the tree, say with a clinometer, to measure the angle of elevation. Then knowing the angle and the distance you are from the tree, the height of the tree can be calculated with a tangent function.

What is the height of banyan tree?

it can grow upto 400ft in height

What is the formula for working out the height of a tree?

Formula for working out height of a tree is (distance from eye to base of tree/distance from eye to base of stick) x length of stick = tree height.(distance from eye to base of tree/distance from eye to base of stick) x length of stick = tree height is the formula for working out height of a tree.

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The average height of a Joshua Tree is 17in.

What is the height of the tree iluvbatar?

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How can you know balance factor of height balance tree?

we can find the balance factor of highty balance tree with height of left subtree- height of right sub tree

What is the averag height of a maple tree?

On average, the maple tree height is 40 ft tall.

What is the formula to find the height of a tree?

tree x width x height divided by 3

If a tree doubles in height each year for ten years how many years will it take for the tree to reach half its maximum height?

It will take one year for the tree to reach half its maximum height. Since the tree doubles in height each year, it will be at half its maximum height the year before it reaches its full height.

What is the height of the tallest tree in the world?

Redwood tree

What is the height and width of an apple tree?

the average height of an oak tree is 60ft the average height of an oak tree is 60ft