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Q: How can the value of money be measured?
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What functon of money allows the monetary unit of a country to serve as a unit in which the value of all goods and services can be measured?

Money as a measure of value is the function of money.

Why do people accept US money in exchange for goods and services?

The value of a good or service can be measured with money.

This function of money allows the monetary unit of a country to serve as a unit in which the value of all goods and services can be measured.?

standard of valueThe function of money as a measure of value.

What if actual value - measured value is negative?

Then the measured value is larger than the actual value.

Account Money measurement concept?

only those transactions which can be measured in terms of money are recorded.Since money is the medium of exchange and the standard ecnomic value, this concept requires that those transactions alone that are capable of being measured in terms of money be only be recorded in the books of accounts

Did Egyptians symbolise gold for money?

Not today, but in ancient Egypt, yes, it was their only currency, and was measured in value by weight.

How quantity of money is measured?

In an economy, the quantity of money is measured by the Money Supply. This is the amount of money available in an economy in a specific period of time.

What is a business transaction?

Answer:It is the business event ( activity ) which can be measured in term of money. and which must be recorded in business book ( or system) of account. For example to buy raw material for your business. Raw material has a money value. so we can measured the raw material in term of money. ( it costs 2000$ to buy a machine)

Definition of guarantee error in instrumentation?

Deviation of the measured value from the true value of the variable being measured

What is percentage error?

Given a true value and the measured value,the error is measured value - true value;the relative error is (measured value - true value)/true value, andthe percentage error is 100*relative error.

What is the lowest possible pH value that can be measured in a solution?

The lowest possible pH value that can be measured in a solution is 0.

How do you get 300pound on club penguin?

Club penguin money is not measured in pounds, it is measured in coins. And you can't convert virtual money to real money.