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By two amounts of change I assume mean absolute amounts.

Assume the following:

Quantity 1 begins at 6 and changes to 3. The absolute value of the change is 3 and the percent change is 50%

Quantity 2 begins at 30 and changes to 27. The absolute value of the change is 3 and the percent change is 10%

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Q: How can two amounts of change can be the same but the percents of change can be different.?
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How amounts of change can be the same but percents of change can be different?

They are same because because the number would always be same and the difference is they both are not with each other.Please vote me please click on it is use full for you.Thanks.plese

How can two amounts of change be the same but the percents of change be different?

They are same because because the number would always be same and the difference is they both are not with each other.Please vote me please click on it is use full for you.Thanks.plese

How two amounts of change can be the same but the percents of change can be different?

By two amounts of change I assume mean absolute amounts. Assume the following: Quantity 1 begins at 6 and changes to 3. The absolute value of the change is 3 and the percent change is 50% Quantity 2 begins at 30 and changes to 27. The absolute value of the change is 3 and the percent change is 10%

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