

How can we divide the animals?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: How can we divide the animals?
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Do animals cells divide?

Yes Mitosis is what it is called

What two groups did scientists divide organisms into before the sixteen hundreds?

Plants and animals.

Do animals form new cell walls when they divide?

Only a plant has a cell wall. Animals have cell membranes.

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Animals and plants, divide cells to reproduce, this is meiosis.

Do you need to kill live animals to be a butcher?

Not always. Some butchers get slaughtered animals and divide these into the sale-able cuts. Others do slaughter animals.

What two groups did Aristotle divide animals into?

Aristotle divided animals into two groups: those with red blood (vertebrates) and those without red blood (invertebrates).

Why must you divide animals into groups?

To impose order on the confusion and invariably discover truth.

Why do scientists divide animals?

i do not knowans2. Please refine your question. Do you mean Taxonomy or Dissection?

When you divide plants trees animals and flowers what are the two groups called?

The two kingdoms would be Animalia (for animals) and Plantae (for flowers, plants and trees)

Scientists divide animals into two groups based on whether or not an animal has a backbone. true or false.?


How do you divide the anatomical into three parts?

The human body, along with bodies of many animals, is divided into the head, the thorax, and the abdomen.

What is a cat divided by a dog?

Assuming the cat represents 10 and the dog represents 2, the answer is 5. You can not mathematically divide animals.