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Q: How can we see so many colors when only three cone types exist?
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Which receptor cell is associated with seeing colors?

Cone cells are the receptor cells in the retina that are associated with seeing colors. There are three types of cone cells that are sensitive to different wavelengths of light, allowing us to perceive a wide range of colors.

What does the cone on your eye do?

Cones are the light sensors in your eye that sense the different wavelengths of colors. There are three different type of cone cell. An L cone, M cone, and an S cone.

What are three types volcanoes?

Three types of volcanoes are Cinder Cone Volcanoes, Shield Volcanoes and Composite Volcanoes.

What is 4 types of volcanos?

Actually, there are three types: composite, cinder cone, and shield.

How many dimensions in a cone?

A cone needs a three dimensional space in which to exist but it's not a solid, it's a two dimensional surface.

How are we able to see intermediate colors such as purple?

The colour receptors in your eye are not monochromatic narrow filters. Each of the three types of cone receptor have some overlap with each other. Rather as three 'bell' curves. Thus a band of light may well excite a response in each of the three types of cone. A human eye may discriminate up to about 10 000 000 colours.

What are the three principal types of volcanoes?

The three types of volcanoes are stratovolcano, shield volcano and cinder cone.. Shield is the quite one.

What are the three types of mountains formed by volcanoes?

Cinder Cone, Shield, and Strato.

When all three cone types are stimulated what color do you see?

The cones in our eyes break down color into we call the three primary colors. In this way of seeing color each color is composed of a different ratio of these primary colors. The color display in computers works in a similar way. Every color assigns a different value to each the primary colors ranging from 0 to 255. You may try this out by opening a program that lets you select custom colors such as paint or photoshop.

What are the three types of volocanoes?

Shield Volcanoes, Cinder Cone volcanoes, and Composite Volcanoes.

What theory states that there are three types of cones in the eye and that it is how much these three types are stimulated that gives us color vision.?

trichromatic theory

How can you explain the fact that we see a great range of colors even though only three cone tpyes exist?

Even though humans have only three types of cone cells to detect color (red, green, blue), our brain is able to interpret and combine the signals from these cones to perceive a wide range of colors through a process called color mixing. By combining the input from these three types of cones, our brain can perceive millions of colors by adjusting the intensity or the combination of inputs from each cone type.