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Q: How can we use a broken ruler to measure the perimeter of the shapes?
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What is a star's perimeter?

take a ruler and measure it

How will you measure the length using a broken ruler?

You tape the broken pieces of the ruler back together.

Can you measure the perimeter of a frisbee?

yes you can. but not with a ruler you will need a measuring tape.

How do you find perimeter if measurements are not given?

use your ruler to measure the sides

When finding the perimeter of a geometric shape with sides represented by polynomials how do you find the perimeter?

you will need a ruler or tape measure

How could you measure the perimeter of a round object using a ruler?

Wrap the strip of paper around the plate or can and mark it where it completes a full circle around the object. Then lay the strip on a flat surface and measure the marked length using the ruler. That length is the perimeter (circumference) of the round object.

How will you measure length using a broken ruler?

A broken ruler still has lines of measurement on it - it's just not as convenient as it was when it was whole. You measure the same way, by holding the ruler next to the item you're measuring and deciding which line it reaches to. With a broken ruler, you will probably have to measure one part at a time and add the measurements together.

How is a ruler yardstick and a measuring tape different and same?

why might you need to measure a perimeter with a measuring tape insteadof a ruler.

How does woodworking involve math?

You have to measure with a ruler and find the perimeter, area, and circumference of anything your measureing.

Why might you need to measure a perimeter with a measuring tape instead of a ruler?

Because of the sides.It won't be right then.

How would you work out the perimeter of a playground?

you can solve it by just looking at it really good. another way is to measure it with a ruler..........

Are circles squares triangles rectangles example of geometric figures?

Yes because they can be measured mathematically. But free form shapes can't for instance you can't measure a pare using i ruler. But you can measure a square with a ruler.