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30 + 70 = 100

30p + 70p = 100p or £1

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Q: How can you apply counting of numbers in real life?
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Use of natural number in real life?

natural numbers are used in real life for counting, adding, subtracting and even for calculting money purposes

How Do you Use Natural Numbers In Real Life?

Natural numbers are all the counting numbers excluding zero and all negative numbers. People use these in everyday life to count, add, subtract, and even with money purposes

What is a natural number that is not real?

The set of Natural Numbers is the set of 'counting numbers' {1,2,3,4,....}. All of them are also real numbers.

Is -3 a Real or rational or irrational or integer or whole or counting?

-3 is a real, rational, whole integer. But then, -- All integers are real rational whole numbers. -- All whole numbers are real rational integers. -- All rational numbers are real. -- All counting numbers are real, rational, whole integers.

Are all imaginary numbers are real numbers?

No. None are because the opposite of a real number is an imaginary number. In real numbers there are rational, irrational, counting, whole numbers, and integers.

Give the different kinds of real numbers?

Natural numbers or Counting numbers Integers Rational numbers Irrational numbers

What are 20 and 15 in math?

Real numbers, Rational numbers, Integers, Counting numbers, Composite numbers, multiples of 5.

Diff kind of real numbers?

Natural (or counting) numbers Integers Rationals Irrationals Transcendentals

What numbers can be integers rational and real number?

Every counting number, and the negative of it, are real, rational integers.

What is the use of integers in real life?

Counting, checking your bank account what has been deducted, reading a weather report, or even when you check your weight. The integers are positive and negative numbers we use in life.

Is every natural number is a real number?

Yes, natural numbers are the set of "counting numbers" - integers bigger than zero. Hence they are all real numbers.

What are the compositions of the real number system?

The real number system is composed of the counting numbers (1, 2, 3...).