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Q: How can you apply in what you learned in your life?
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How does he apply what he has learned to his own life?

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You can apply the things you have learned to your life when you or your kids go to the doctor you will know more about what they are talking about you will also use some of what you have learned when?

the thing you have learned in English

How will you apply your newly-acquired skills and knowledge?

I believe that one must obtain experience in life situations to gain knowledge before one can implement and apply. Simply stated, from the time we are born to the time we pass we gain knowledge. Depending on the situation of your life, what you have learned up to now will allow you to implement and apply knowledge As a young person did you learn to deal with others? Did you learn things in school that will help you with life or your work? What have you done in your past that will make you better? Is there more to the world than we know and what have you thought about it? You retrieve what you have learned/lived/felt/thought and implement and apply it to what you are doing.

What is the point of coursework?

The point of coursework is to apply real life situations to concepts learned earlier. Also, to have the student practice the work, so that they can memorize it better, or use it later in the class or later in life.

Is an undergraduate college degree adequate preparation for the workplace?

It can be. However, it is up the the individual, and how well they assimilated the material, and able to appropriately apply what they have learned to real life situations.

Why student's can't apply what they've learned?

It sometimes happens that students can't apply what they have learned, because they had no interest in what they learned beyond passing a test. If you study only to pass tests, then once the test has been passed, the information becomes irrelevant.

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What do you think would happen to our lives if scientist did not apply what they have learned?


What can you learn from Napoleon Bonaparte's example.?

Have a can do attitude.Study hard and apply what you have learned.

A is an activity that is not graded and helps you apply the skills you have just learned?


What do you think if scientist did not apply what they learned in Science?

if the scientist didnt apply the new things then the improvement which was made in the past. will be invained.

How you use this skill?

Any skill or ability is learned and used by, 'observing, deciding and acting'. So observe the skill carefully. Decide you can apply it. Act by applying it, using it, practicing it. If you didn't get it right, then observe some more, update your decisions about it, practice more. Ask yourself application type questions; 'How can I apply this to my life?' or 'to life'.