In Roman numerals, the first character (head) for 68 would be L (for fifty).
sixy days unpaid leave
sixy two million
6x10^7 60,000,000
In French, "sixty-six" is spelled as "soixante-six".
The Sixy website is a platform designed for individuals to connect and engage in discussions surrounding various topics related to sex and relationships. It provides a safe space for users to ask questions, share experiences, and seek advice from experts in the field. The website aims to promote education, awareness, and open dialogue about sexuality and intimacy.
You need to click the ! at the end of the sentence. If it doesn't work then keep clicking it, it will work eventually.
CFK (Coniferous Fur Kropotus) spur, Graamon thoonn bush, sixy vagono, Aillick Wndrew, and Parey Gerrt
One hundred twenty-three and sixty-two hundredths in standard form is 123.62
zero point four six one or four hundred and sixty one thousands
Brutus and Crassus were both men that Julius Caesar considered to be friends. However, they turned against him along with sixy other conspirators and helped stabbed him to death at the senate on the Ides of March.