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Square metres are a unit of area. Feet are a unit of length. The two units are therefore incompatible.

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Q: How can you calculate sq meters whan you have feets?
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How many square meters in 5260 square feets?

5260 (sq feet) = 488.66999 sq meters

How many square meters will make 675 square feets?

675 sq ft = 62.71 sq meters

How many square feets are there in 122.64 square meters?

122.64 sq metres = 1320.086 sq feet (approx).

How many sq. feets in 1 sq.meter?


How many sq feets equal to 1 cent?

1 cent = 435.6 sq feet.

How many feets are 60 by 120?

7200 sq ft

How many feets 60 by 120?

7200 sq ft

How many sq feets to one meter?

square feet (not feets) measure area, metres measure length. They are not comparable.

What is 360 meter squared to square feets?

360 sq metres = 3875 sq feet, approx.

How many square feets in 140 sq yards?

140 sq yards = 1,260 square feet

How do you calculate 200 sq meters to sq feet?

Multiply the number of square meters by 10.7639 to get square feet. In this case, 200 x 10.7639 = 2,152.782 square feet.

How many square feets are in a bigha in uttarakhand?

14,400 sq feet