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It depends on which information is already known. You must know the radius and either the angle between the two radiithat end on the chord's endpoints (making a triangle with the center of the circle and the endpoints) or the distance from the chord to the center of the circle. There are two basic ways of finding the length of a chord in a circle. The first is if you know the radius and angle. This will be tough to explain in just words but I'll do my best.

Both processes work the same for these steps.

  1. Draw a circle
  2. Pinpoint (roughly) the center
  3. Draw a chord (preferably in the bottom half of the circle)
  4. Label the center of the circle point 'C'
  5. Label the left endpoint 'A'

The first method continues like this:

  1. Label the right endpoint 'B'
  2. Connect C and A
  3. Connect C and B
  4. Label the center angle (which is ACB) 'θ'

If you know θ and CA/CB (the radius) then you multiply the radius by 2 and multiply this by the sin of half of θ. Much more simply: 2rsin(θ/2) If the angle is 60 degrees and the radius is 1 then: 60/2=30... sin(30)=0.5... 2*1=2...2*0.5=1 So the chord's length is 1 (Just a hint, if the angle is 60 degrees then the it will be an equilateral triangle, so the chord will always equal the radius at 60 degrees.

The second way would have continued like this:

  1. Pinpoint (roughly) the center of the chord
  2. Label that point B
  3. Connect C and A
  4. Connect C and B
  5. Label the line CA 'b'
  6. Label the line CB 'a'
  7. Label the line AB 'c'

Here you need to find c and double it. The radius, which is b, forms the hypotenuse of a right triangle. And you should have been given the distance from the chord to the center, which is a. Pythagorean theorem: slightly altered but only because of labeling (you could rename them correctly by switching the label B with C and vice-versa and b with c and vice-versa). b2-a2=c2 To throw in some numbers, let's say the distance from the chord to the center was given as 3 and the radius is 5. plug these numbers in and you put the radius in for b and the distance in for a.






the square root of 16 is 4

So the chord is twice that, 8.

Finally, a summery with the equations all written out.

With the radius and angle:


With the radius and distance:

( (radius2-distance2)1/2 ) * 2

I really hope this helps. If you drew the circles it should have been fine. Good luck!

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Q: How can you calculate the chord within a circle?
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What is the chord of the circle?

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Which line is a chord?

It is a straight line within a circle that touches two points of the circumference and the largest chord is the circle's diameter.

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Secants are lines that have a chord within them, and a chord is a segment that has endpoints on the circle itself.

A radius is a chord of a circle?

No. A chord is a straight line within a circle that meets the circumference at two points and divides the circle into two arcs. A radius is a straight line from the centre of the circle to the circumference and is therefore not a chord. However, a diameter is a chord passing through the centre of the circle.

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You cannot. If you rotate the circle around its centre, the lengths of the radius and chord will remain the same but the coordinates of the chord will change.

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YES A chord is that part of a straight line (within a circle) that intersects the perimeter of the circle at two different points. A diameter is just a special case where the chord passes through the centre of the circle.

Is diameter a chord explain?

If a line segment touches two points on the circle it is called as: 1. secant; if the line extends outside the circle. 2. chord; if the line is present only within the circle. Diameter is a line which satisfies the second condition hence it is a chord. The additional condition for a chord to be known as diameter is that the chord should pass through the center of the circle!

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A segment is the area within a circle enclosed by an arc and a chord

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A tangent is a straight line that touches the outside circumference of a circle at one point whereas a chord is a straight line within a circle that spans its circumference.

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A chord is a straight line within a circle that divides the circle into two parts - these parts are called arcs.The diameter is a chord that runs through the centre of the circle and divides the circle into two equal parts.

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A chord of which the circle's diameter is the largest chord