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Q: How can you convert furan to pyridine?
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Preparation of 3-hydroxy pyridine?

3-Hydroxy pyridine can be prepared by treating pyridine with an oxidizing agent such as hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a catalyst such as platinum or palladium. This reaction converts the nitrogen atom in pyridine to a hydroxyl group, yielding 3-hydroxy pyridine as the product. Purification steps may be required to isolate the final compound.

Why do 5-membered ring aromatic heterocycles pyrrole and furan undergo electrophilic substitution more rapidly than benzene while 6-membered ring heterocycles like pyridine are less reactive than Benz?

5-membered ring heterocycles like pyrrole and furan have greater reactivity due to their higher electron density compared to benzene, making them more susceptible to attack by electrophiles. In contrast, the nitrogen atom in pyridine stabilizes the ring by delocalizing the lone pair of electrons, reducing its reactivity towards electrophilic substitution reactions.

Is pyridine is a tertiary amine?

Yes Pyridine is a tertiary amine.

Can sodium chloride be solved in pyridine?

NaCl is not soluble in pyridine.

What is pyridine acid?

Pyridine is a basic heterocyclic organic compound with a ring structure similar to benzene. Pyridine acid is not a recognized chemical compound; it may refer to reactions of pyridine involving acids or acid-base properties of pyridine.

What are pyridine bases?

Pyridine bases are organic compounds that contain a pyridine ring. These compounds often act as Lewis bases by donating electron pairs in chemical reactions. Pyridine bases are commonly used in organic synthesis and as ligands in coordination chemistry.

Why is furan insoluble in ether?

Furan is insoluble in ether because furan is a polar compound and ether is a nonpolar solvent. Like dissolves like, so the polarity mismatch between furan and ether prevents them from forming a homogeneous solution.

Why furan do not show nucleophilic subtitution reaction?

Furan does not typically undergo nucleophilic substitution reactions because of its aromatic nature, which offers stability due to delocalization of the pi electrons in the ring. This makes furan less reactive towards nucleophilic attack compared to non-aromatic compounds.

Why pyrole is more basic then furan?

Pyrrol has a lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom, which is more available for donation compared to the lone pair on oxygen in furan. This makes pyrrole more basic than furan.

What is the products obtained when pyridine reacts with sodamide?

When pyridine reacts with sodamide, the products obtained are sodamide anion (NaNH2) and a protonated pyridine molecule. The NaNH2 acts as a strong base and abstracts a proton from the pyridine molecule to form sodamide anion and a protonated pyridine.

What product contains Pyridine?

Pyridine can be found in various products such as pesticides, pharmaceuticals, rubber chemicals, and solvents.

How many moles of pyridine are contained in 3.13 g of pyridine?

To find the number of moles of pyridine in 3.13 g, you first need to determine the molar mass of pyridine, which is approximately 79.1 g/mol. Then, divide the given mass by the molar mass to obtain the number of moles. So, 3.13 g / 79.1 g/mol = 0.0395 mol of pyridine.