A set of data can be described to the spreadsheet as a range by specifying the beginning cell, in the upper left corner of the data, and the ending cell, in the lower right corner of the data.
data pattern
It could be the cardinality of the set.
A spreadsheet does not show a pictorial form, but you can use the data in a spreadsheet to generate a chart, which will show a picture representing the data.
measures of variation
None. The data set has no elements and so there cannot be any central tendency.
You describe the shape, not of the data set, but of its density function.You describe the shape, not of the data set, but of its density function.You describe the shape, not of the data set, but of its density function.You describe the shape, not of the data set, but of its density function.
The answer will depend on the set of data!
You can collect data and store it in a spreadsheet.
If the spreadsheet contains formulas that rely on the data in the spreadsheet, then changing the data changes the cells on the spreadsheet that utilize the formulas.
If the spreadsheet contains formulas that rely on the data in the spreadsheet, then changing the data changes the cells on the spreadsheet that utilize the formulas.
It is apace provided for a set of data all occupying the same column in the spreadsheet's matrix so that they can be referenced as a set using the column header or individually by the column/row intersections.
the averaged amount of the data given to you
data pattern
It could be the cardinality of the set.
A spreadsheet does not show a pictorial form, but you can use the data in a spreadsheet to generate a chart, which will show a picture representing the data.