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Q: How can you divide twenty four into four different ways?
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twenty four times i believe, assuming the sandwiches are all different kinds

Is two thousand four hundred the same as twenty four hundred?

Yes, they are just different ways to say the number. Two thousand four hundred is technically more correct, twenty-four hundred is shorthand.

How many different ways can you divide twenty five equally?

5 groups of 5. 25/5=5 ; 5 x 5 = 25.

How do you write 4023.40 in words?

You could write 4,023.40 several different ways: Four thousand twenty-three point four Four thousand twenty-three dollars and forty cents (if referring to money) Four thousand twenty-three forty (a more casual way to refer to money) Four thousand twenty-three and four tenths Four thousand twenty-three and forty hundredths (if attempting to preserve the unnecessary zero at the end)

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10 and 20/100 10 and 1/5 51/5 10.2

How do you you write 24.47?

You could write 24.47 in several ways: Twenty-four point four seven Twenty-four dollars and forty-seven cents (if referring to money) Twenty-four forty-seven (a more casual reference to money) Twenty-four and forty-seven hundredths

How do you write 24.47 in words?

You could write 24.47 in several ways: Twenty-four point four seven Twenty-four dollars and forty-seven cents (if referring to money) Twenty-four forty-seven (a more casual reference to money) Twenty-four and forty-seven hundredths

Can you divide a square in 2 equal parts in 9 different ways?

Yes you can, but you have to use zig zag lines. Using straight lines there are only four ways to divide a square into two equal parts (along the lines of symmetry).

How many ways can you get twenty four for the perimeter?

24 is a stupid T.V show

What are two ways to write 624?

here are 4 common ways: 624 sixhundred and twenty four six-two-four Six-twentyfour

How do you divide rectangle into 4 equal parts in 5 different ways?

In complete sentnces, explain why you can cut the rectangles into different shapes and still have four equal parts.

How do you write 26.04 in words?

There are several ways to write 26.04: Twenty-six point zero four Twenty-six dollars and four cents (when referring to money) Twenty-six oh four (less formal reference to money) Twenty-six and 4 hundredths.