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Q: How can you ensure that data is collected correct?
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Data research procedure?

Data research procedure include information on how data is collected, when it was collected, and who is responsible for data collection. Where data was stored and how to ensure data is correct are also part of data research procedure.

Why do scientists use controlled experiments to ensure that the responding variable does not change to ensure that hypotheses are proven correct to ensure that the data collected is related to one cha?

The purpose is to obtain sure, repetable and valuable experimental data.

List the importance of security and data verification?

- To make sure the source data are well defined, documented. - To ensure data accuracy. - To ensure data completeness. - To ensure data consistency. - To ensure the reliability of the data collected.

What is the purpose of the proper handling of experimental subjects?

To ensure that good and reliable data are collected

Name three pieces of info that the oranisation must provide before it can begin to collect data?

Purpose of data collection: Clearly define why the data is being collected and what it will be used for. Type of data collected: Specify the categories or types of data that will be collected. Data retention and security measures: Outline how the data will be stored, shared, and protected to ensure privacy and compliance with regulations.

What is the purpose for the proper handling of experimental subject?

to ensure that good and reliable data are collected

What are the data to be collected?

Any kind of data can be collected.

Questions asked to gather data?

What specific information do you need? Who are the intended participants for this data collection? What methods are you planning to use to collect the data? How will you ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data collected?

The data collected does not have to be measurable.?

The data collected does not have to be measurable.

How is information in a Database collected?

Information in a database is collected through data entry processes where users input data manually, or through automated processes that extract data from other sources. This data is then organized and stored within the database tables according to a predefined structure to ensure consistency and accuracy of the information.

Are data that was collected for another purpose and was already collected?

Data that is collected may have been collected previously for some reason, or it might have been collected recently. Data is usually collected to show statistics or information about something specific.

What elements of a network ensure that data arrive at their intended destination in the correct sequence?
