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That is dependent on whether you mean time as a dimension or a fourth spacial dimension.

Spatially we are able to perceive 3 dimensions, forwards-backwards, left-right and up-down.

if we were able to exist in four dimensions some scientists theorize that we would be able to exist in multiple places at once, or to transverse large distances instantly, *sort of* by moving a small distance in the fourth dimension we could theoretically move an infinite amount in the normal 3rd dimension.

as to how we would enter this fourth dimension, one theoretical possibility is black holes, they compress matter into a tiny space, the gravitational pull of a black hole is enough to pull in light, and therefore very strong, therefore within the black hole is a large amount of matter, compressed into a relatively small space, as you get closer to the center it is further compressed, if you were to reach the center it is possible that you could be sent to a distant point far across the universe, however due to the crushing gravity you would most likely die before reaching the center or if you survived that trapped in time.

As for moving through time we are all moving slowly forward in time, however by moving at a higher speed we would travel slower through time than people moving at a normal speed, this would only be observable through an excessive amount of speed and not likely to affect the average person,

Einsteins theory of relativity states that time is relative, someone travelling at or faster the speed of light could travel from our galaxy to the next, and return home a few days, weeks, months or years relative to themselves, but find that centuries or millennium had passed on earth.

However as we haven't found a way to travel at the speed of light or through the fourth dimension this is pure theory.

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