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Q: How can you estimate the number of people in a town?
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What is over estimate?

An overestimate is when you estimate something, like the number of people in a stadium. Then you find out what the actual number is, and it is less than your estimate. I estimate there are 100,000 people in the stadium. Then it's announced that there are 97,235 in attendance. So I overestimated.

Estimate to the nearest whole number?

Estimate what to the nearest whole number?

What is a common number in math?

0 because when people estimate a number the usually round it to tens, hundreds etc. etc. and when you round that the last number would be 0.

When a survey indicated that 65 of the family in a town own cars. find the probability that among 7 families selected at random in the town exactly 5 of them own cars?

It is necessary to have an estimate of the proportion of families in the town which own cars. Since the number of families which do own a car is given, it is necessary to know the total number of families in the town. Without the total number of families, it is not possible to estimate the car-owning proportion and therefore impossible to make any estimate about the answer.If, for example, if there were only 65 families this would imply that every family owned a car and, therefore, the probability of exactly 5 out of 7 random families owning a car would be 0. If there were 67 families, the probability would be approx 0.17 while if there were 270 or more families, the probability is zero.

What is the difference between Population census and estimate census?

Population is total number of people who live in a geographical area

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What is over estimate?

An overestimate is when you estimate something, like the number of people in a stadium. Then you find out what the actual number is, and it is less than your estimate. I estimate there are 100,000 people in the stadium. Then it's announced that there are 97,235 in attendance. So I overestimated.

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30 million

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November 2010: 21 400 000 (an estimate)

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If the boat sinks, too many people are on it.

How do you define a town?

A town is a large aggregation of houses and other buildings with political boundaries in which a large number of people live, work, and play.

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92.22 million people live in the PI as of summer 2009. I know that this number isn't perfect (no pop. number will be) but it is a good estimate.

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9.752 million people currently live in North Carolina. The number is an estimate.

How do you get a ballpark estimate answer?

i would say they way to get the ballpark estimate is by taking the number. and see what is the estimate for that number and then you take that estimated number and then add to get your answer .

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millions of people died and an estimate of this number is 251,131,300 and by the way, i researched for hours

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Auschwitz-Birkenau - 960,000 (estimate)Treblinka - 850,000 (estimate)Belzec (not to be confused with Bergen-Belsen) - 434,508 (actual number)