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>>> 1% of 4 = ?

("of" means to multiply, so..)

>>> 1% x 4 = n (here, "n" represents the unknown number, your answer)

(to solve, change the percent to a decimal by moving the decimal two places to the left. 1% = 1.0% = 0.01, REMEMBER all whole numbers have an "unwritten" decimal after it!)

>>> 0.01 x 4 = n

>>> 0.04 = n


1% of 4 cups = 0.04 cup (0.04 is WAY less than 1 cup)

Additional information:

*on a side note... the "4" in 0.04 is in the "hundredths" place, so 0.04 = 4/100, which simplifies down.. 4/100 = 2/50 = 1/25.

Therefore, 0.04 cup = 1/25 cup!

In other words, if you took just ONE of your four cups and split THAT ONE into 25 equal parts (25/25 cup = 1cup), ONE of those 25 parts is what 1% of 4 cups would LOOK like!

ALSO.. 1% of $4 = $0.04..... 4 cents!

SAME THING..if you took ONE of FOUR dollars...

$1.00, or 100 pennies (100/100 = 1) ...

split THAT into 25 equal amounts (25/25 = 1), you'd have 25 piles of 4 pennies each.... because 25 x $0.04 = $1.00


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