to obtain the ratio of surface area to volume, divide the surface area by the volume.
surface area/ volume. wider range of surface area to volume is better for cells.
It increases.
It would help to know why what!
To obtain the ratio of surface area to volume, divide the surface area by the volume.
Cellular activity often takes place at the interface between the cell and its surroundings - other cells or the environment. This area of activity is greater when the area to volume ratio is higher - not lower.
Surface area to volume ratio
surface area/ volume. wider range of surface area to volume is better for cells.
surface area/ volume. wider range of surface area to volume is better for cells.
As cell volume increases, the ratio of cell surface area to cell volume decreases. This is because the surface area increases by a square factor while the volume increases by a cube factor. A higher surface area to volume ratio is more favorable for efficient nutrient exchange and waste removal in cells.
The cell's ratio of surface area to volume would decrease if its volume increases more rapidly than its surface area.
It increases.
It would help to know why what!
the cell's ability to feed enough
The surface area-to-volume ratio of the cell.
The surface area-to-volume ratio of the cell.
cell division
The cell's ratio of surface area to volume would decrease. However, this scenario is extremely unlikely.