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Q: How can you find the area of a shape and can you give some examples?
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How do you find diameter if you have the area?

You need to give the shape.

How do you find the area when knowing the perimeter of a shape?

The perimeter has nothing to do with the area you have to times the width times height times length and that will give you the area of the shape

How do you find out dimensions when perimeter and area are given?

The answer, if any, will depend on the shape. Since you have not specified what shape you are asking about it is not possible to give a more meaningful answer.

How do you find the area when given circumference?

You can not find the circumference when only area is given. you need other details relating to shape. minimum parameter should be provided to find the required parameter.

What is the area of 2ft by 4ft by 6ft?

It is not posible to give an answer to the question. The shape for which the area is required is unknown. The question gives three measures but they are clearly NOT the sides of a triangle.It is not posible to give an answer to the question. The shape for which the area is required is unknown. The question gives three measures but they are clearly NOT the sides of a triangle.It is not posible to give an answer to the question. The shape for which the area is required is unknown. The question gives three measures but they are clearly NOT the sides of a triangle.It is not posible to give an answer to the question. The shape for which the area is required is unknown. The question gives three measures but they are clearly NOT the sides of a triangle.

How do you find the height if give volume and radius?

it dependes on what shape it is.

Give the examples on derived and fundamental quantity?

Length is fundamental, area is derived.

Can you give some examples of polish words?

You will find some examples in the Wikipedia article on "Polish language".

What is the formula used to calculate the area of an irregular shape?

There is no set formula.You have to "split" the irregular shape into regular shapes, use whatever dimensions you have and fit them into the formulas of the known shapes.Find the area of each split shape. Lastly, you add all the areas to give you the totl area of the irregular shape

Do you have to multiply all the numbers to find the volume of a prism?

No, that will not give you the volume of a prism (since it's a triangular shape, not cuboid). For volume of a prism, you need to find the area of one of the end triangles, then multiply by the length of the prism.

Can a paralleloelgram and a triangle have the same area give examples .?

A triangle twice as high as a parallelogram with the same base has the same area.

How do you find the area of irregular quadrilateral when sides are given give with example?

You cannot. A square can be distorted into a rhombus without changing the lengths of any of the sides, but with a different area. Similarly, the shape of any quadrilateral can be altered without affecting the length of its sides but changing its area.