You can find the height of a parallelogram given the area and base measures by working backwards from the area formula.
The area of a parallelogram is found with the formula:
Area = Base * Height
To solve this equation for Height, we divide both sides by the base.
Area / Base = (Base * Height) / Base
Area / Base = Height
Area = Base * Height so Base = Area/Height
To find the height of a triangle, you can use the formula: height = (2 * area) / base. The base of the triangle is one side of the triangle to which the height is perpendicular. The area can be calculated using different methods depending on the information available, such as using the lengths of the sides and Heron's formula or using the base and the height.
You find the height by using Pythagoras' theorem and then 0.5*base*height = area.
Area = 0.5*Base*Height
area = 0.5*base*height So base = 2*area/height = 0.214286 units
Area = Base * Height so Base = Area/Height
To find the height of a triangle, you can use the formula: height = (2 * area) / base. The base of the triangle is one side of the triangle to which the height is perpendicular. The area can be calculated using different methods depending on the information available, such as using the lengths of the sides and Heron's formula or using the base and the height.
You find the height by using Pythagoras' theorem and then 0.5*base*height = area.
Area of a triangle = base * height / 2 Therefore the base = Area * 2 / height
The relation between the height of a triangle, its base and its area is given by: Area = 0.5 * Base * Height Therefore, we have: Height = (2 * Area)/ Base.
Area = 1/2*Base*Height so Base = 2*Area/Height
Area = 0.5*Base*Height
area = 0.5*base*height So base = 2*area/height = 0.214286 units
If the shape in question is a triangle, then Area = 0.5 * Base * Height So Height = 2 * Area / Base
Volume = Base Area * Height So Height = Volume/Base Area
Of a square? (area/height=base) Of a triangle? ({area/height}/2=base) Or of some other shape?