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Q: How can you get 25 dosh?
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How do you get a bin pet without having 25 dosh?

When the bank is made u can swap mulch for dosh and dosh for mulch on tycoon island for everyone!

Is there a code for a bin pet?

no you can gget one for 25 dosh

How much do binpets cost on binweevils?

binpets are now 25 dosh and if you become a bin tycoon you get 60 dosh per month but if you are not a tycoon you parents have got to put real money to get you dosh

Is there any code for a bin pet?

no you can gget one for 25 dosh

How can you get 2 pets on binweevils?

You have to be a tycoon to get it.... now you don't because every weevil can buy it for 25 dosh, but when your a tycoon you will be paid 60 dosh and tycoons can collect

Can you get two bin pets on binweevils?

Yes. You can get as many as you like as long as you: 1: have enough dosh for it 2: have enough room and3: If your up for training them all And one pin pet codt 25 dosh and dosh is not easy to get TIP

Can you be a binpet on binweevils?

no you can't but you can buy one from the shopping mall currently for 25 dosh

How do you get more dosh coins on binweevils?

buy dosh in the dosh page

What are the codes for binweevils for dosh?

the dosh code for 1000 dosh is xblxkmn56hgyrfhhfr8

Is there a code to get a bin pet that hasn't been redeemed on bin weevils?

no you cant then its free and bin pets are never free if you are a tycoon you can get dosh to buy a bin pet for 25 dosh coins

How do you get a binpet when your a binweevil?

how can you not get a binpet when your a bin weevil you have to be a tycoon to get one but now you only need to have 25 dosh coins without being tycoon! p.s its hard to get 25 if your not tycoon but if you buy dosh you will have more than 25 so here oh if you want to find me on binweevils then my name is necionyte ciya! :)

What is dosh is Password on binweevils?

There Is no actual weevils called 'dosh.' Dosh is only a made-up character featuring in Tink & Clott's adventure clips and a rich weevil at dosh's palace. Therefore there is no pass for Dosh.